‘NO to War’: Appeal to Maintain Peace

Picture of Cititzens For Democracy

Cititzens For Democracy

Resolution Passed in the ‘Save Democracy, Save the Nation’ Conference of ‘Cititzens For Democracy’ on March 3, 2019 in New Delhi.



Citizens For Democracy’, set up by Loknayak Jaiprakash Narayan in 1974, views with grave concern the  recent growing tension between India and Pakistan and the rise of jingoistic slogans in the country. It is further disturbing to note that the major part of mediaprint, television, radio, digital, social media, instead of  presenting saner voices, have involved themselves in presenting irresponsible views and discussions which help in promoting a mood of war mongering in the country. The public on both sides are sick and tired of being enemies. They want to live in peace so that their children and grand children can grow up in an environment of security and confidence. Going to ‘war’ means that governments have to divert funds meant for education, health and nutrition towards military expenditure. Such a scenario thwarts progress in all fieldssocial, economic and cultural. In the midst of widespread poverty and unemployment existing in the both countries, the foremost responsibility of both the governments is to work for promotion of economic prosperity of their people and resolve their differences by peaceful negotiations. The lessons of history are that ‘WAR’ is not the ultimate solution. All problems or disputes between nations can be resolved in negotiations in peace. We remind the governments and the people the oft repeated statement made by the veteran journalist late Shri Kuldip Nayar (who was President of the Citizens For Democracy for many years till his demise last year) that: “When Great Britain and France could be friends after fighting wars for more than hundred years, why not India and Pakistan?”


We therefore appeal to the rulers of both the countries not to precipitate any step which may lead to ‘war’ which can result in no fruitful consequence but only in destruction and suffering for the people on both sides.


S.R. Hiremath, President

N.D.Pancholi, General Secretary

Anil Sinha, Secretary

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